Kaptiv8 Marketing Announces the Launch of TheVisionShift.com - Kaptiv8 Tools

Kaptiv8 Marketing Announces the Launch of TheVisionShift.com

July 16, 2013
Kaptiv8 Marketing Announces the Launch of TheVisionShift.com

Kaptiv8 Marketing is proud to announce the launch of www.thevisionshift.com. The Vision Shift is a new concept in the medical community that offers hospitals an increased ROI through joint ventures.

Conveying a multi-faceted, complex new concept online is challenging under the best of circumstances, but The Vision Shift’s dynamic approach to health care and keeping physicians and hospitals financially fit took some serious ingenuity on their website and marketing materials.

To help translate these esoteric ideas in an easy-to-digest format, Kaptiv8 utilized a suite of webmaster tools. Using strong clear visuals, infographics, and an animated video, we were able to explain complicated messaging in a clear, impactful manner.

The top “fold” of a website is always the most important real estate. In this space, it is imperative to capture an audience’s attention and communicate the most important message. To achieve this, Kaptiv8 created a video that uses animation and written word to illustrate the company’s concepts. Easy to read infographics further break down the features and benefits of The Vision Shift and add visual interest. Strong graphics also helped break up text and create balance.

Kaptiv8 is excited about the success of this new company and we feel that their website is a strong asset in helping them convey their message. We can’t wait to see them take off!

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Kaptiv8 Tools